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Séminaire MIMED / CNE, juin 2023. “‘Global Britain’ and the changing politics of migration and citizenship”

Le jeudi 8 juin 2023 à la Vieille Charité (13002, Marseille), de 10h à 12h, salle A. Entrée libre. Modalité à distance prévue (voir infra pour le lien zoom).

Intervenant: Nando Sigona, Professor of International Migration and Forced Displacement et Directeur de l’Institute for Research into Superdiversity, University of Birmingham

« ‘Global Britain’ and the changing politics of migration and citizenship »

Discutant : Marc Bernardot, Professeur de sociologie, Aix-Marseille Université, Mesopolhis

Présentation : Brexit is primarily a process of geopolitical rupture and realignment, in which after almost 50 years in which the UK played a central role in the EU project and its evolution, eventually a majority of voters decided to vote for leaving the EU and ‘taking back control’ – of its borders, as well as of its domestic and foreign policy. It is also a process of sociological reimagination, defining a new politics of belonging. The process also involves redefining the meaning of citizenship, as well as the boundaries of membership, in terms of migration governance (both immigration and emigration), that is who is allowed or not to come to Britain or to remain in Britain and or British in case of emigrants, under what terms and conditions, and  who is allowed to become a citizen. 
Reimagining Britain by governing migration involves far more than taking control of immigration and borders. Central to the politics of migration of Global Britain is therefore not only the control of migration flows and the rules and regulation governing settlement, but also understanding the politics of immigration control and enforcement, in particular the ability of post-Brexit Britain to detain and remove unauthorized immigrants.

La séance sera exceptionnellement en langue anglaise.

Le séminaire pourra également être suivi à distance:

ID de réunion : 814 5635 9877

Code secret : 493162

Pour plus d’informations : 

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Luna Russo (17 mai 2023). Séminaire MIMED / CNE, juin 2023. “‘Global Britain’ and the changing politics of migration and citizenship” MIMED. Consulté le 7 février 2025 à l’adresse

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