Origins and Destinations: The Making of the Second Generation
Roger Waldinger
Politiste, UCLA, Center for the Study of International Migration, invité par leLabexMed au LEST (Laboratoire d’Economie et de Sociologie du Travail).
Séance organisée en partenariat avec le LabexMed
Mardi 11 juin, 14h-16h30, salle 1, MMSH, Aix-en provence
L’intervention de Roger Waldinger et la discussion qui suivra se feront en français
Discutante : Amandine DeBruyker (anthropologue, AMU, CNRS, IDEMEC)
Immigrants’ greatest legacy involves their children. Born or raised in the United States, this second generation now stands over 20 million strong. In this book, immigration scholars Renee Luthra, Thomas Soehl, and Roger Waldinger provide a new way of understanding The Making of the Second Generation, one bringing Origins and Destinations into view.
Using surveys of second generation immigrant adults in New York and Los Angeles, this book explains why second generation experiences differ across national origin groups and why immigrant offspring with same national background follow different trajectories. Inter-group disparities stem from contexts of both emigration and immigration.
Diversity also appears among immigrant offspring whose parents stem from the same place. Immigrant children grow up with homeland connections, which can both hurt and help. Though all immigrants enter the U.S. as non-citizens, some instantly enjoy legal presence, others spend years in the shadows; those at-entry differences yield long-term effects.
Disentangling the sources of diversity among today’s population of immigrant offspring Origins and Destinations provides a new framework for understanding the second generation that is transforming America.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Farida Souiah (21 mai 2019). Origins and Destinations: The Making of the Second Generation. MIMED. Consulté le 11 septembre 2024 à l’adresse
1 réponse
[…] Roger Waldinger (politiste, UCLA, Center for the Study of International Migration), invité par le LEST, interviendra dans le cadre des séminaires MiMed : « Origins and Destinations: The Making of a Second Generation ». […]